Camp Anthony Wayne,  Company 3532, S-61

Camp Anthony Wayne was in operation as CCC Company 3532 from July,1935 to April,1938. It was designated as S-61 and contributed immensely to the construction of Cabwaylingo State Park's cabins, lodge, shelters, fire towers and other structures and roads in this 7,000 acre outdoor wonder. The original stone lodge built in the '30's at "Cabway" still serves as the Superintendant's headquarters and home.

One of the important professionals in camp was Henry Stamper, a "Local Experienced Man", or "LEM" . Mr. Stamper was an expert stone-cutter and really a "Jack of all Trades" in camp. He taught the CCC "Boys" many valuable skills. Thanks to his daughter and son-in-law, Kay and Jack Dickinson, we have pictures of his handiwork to show you.

LEMs served as teachers  and leaders in all skilled CCC work projects, all over. They were master craftsmen of their specific trades, and none was better at it than Mr. Stamper.

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Local Experienced Man (LEM), Henry Stamper

Local Enlisted Man (LEM), Henry Stamper

Park shelter at Cabwaylingo, built by Mr. Stamper and CCC company 3532.

Park shelter at Cabwaylingo, built by Mr. Stamper and CCC company 3532.

Inlaid CCC emblem of cut-stone floor of the shelter.
Inlaid CCC emblem of cut-stone floor of the shelter.

Camp Anthony Wayne

Camp Anthony Wayne group phot and collage of camp structures.