Camp Harrison,  Company 2592, SCS-7

A common road-improvement project would begin at local farms where boulders
were broken apart manually with sledge hammers and wedges to make gravel.
The gravel was then hand-loaded and trucked for the needed rural roadside construction
projects in the immediate area. Other CCC SCS Companies did the same elsewhere in
West Virginia and throughout the Country.

When new recruits would report to the CCC camp a common joke was to tell
the "rookies" they would soon learn to operate "the sloping machine", which
to, their surprise and the CCC veterans' amusement, was in reality
nothing more than a mattock or other heavy hand tool used manually to dig
and move soil to make soil benches and also reduce angles on hillside

The CCC men had a good influence on the children who went to the
Quiet Dell School, according to former student, Jim Turner. Jim, now in
his 80's, used to sell Saturday and Sunday newspapers and magazines for a
few cents each to those CCC Camp Harrison enrollees and cadre who
stayed in camp on weekends back in the mid 1930's.

In 1937, the camp was disbanded; all personnel were sent to other camps
and the building either transported elsewhere or torn down. Although the
buildings are long gone, one can still see the effects.   One still sees the reduced slopes
and soil benches on old farms, now grown up in woods.  This is part of the lasting evidence once
formed by muscle and by action of the CCC 'Sloping Machines' in Harrison County and
elsewhere,  wherever the CCC men helped to improve soil productivity on the farm.