
Links to other sites promoting the work of the "Boys" of the CCC and related conservation efforts.
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Museums and Archives

A few states have CCC museums.  Here are some links to start with.

(Cross check with http://www.ccclegacy.org/CCC_Museums.html)

Smithsonian Institution

The museum acquired many pieces of memorabilia in 2008 when the CCC Museum in St. Louis closed. During 2008, there was a CCC exhibition with rotating displays.

NACCCA - National Association of CCC Alumni   NACCCA (now merged with the Camp Roosevelt Legacy Foundation) is the center for the preservation of CCC heritage.  Originally formed in 1979 as an alumni association, the facility is a museum and archives.  Their website displays lists of CCC camps that can be reviewed by State, camp number, agency number, and camp location.  This website is a valuable tool for those who are researching locations and their corresponding members.  The West Virginia Civilian Conservation Corps Museum Association wishes to acknowledge the NACCCA for assistance and materials, some of which are in this Website.

James F. Justin Civilian Conservation Corps  An Online Museum of Histories, Items, Stories, Links and Photographs Regarding the CCC.  Get your thinking cap on when you visit this site.  It is chock full of information.

Pocahontas State Park  The CCC built the first five State Parks in Virginia.  Pocahontas State Park has the only permanent full time CCC museum in Virginia. The Boys of the CCC built nearly 800 state parks in America.  Along with the WPA, these public works programs created the infrastructure for park systems as we enjoy them today.

Other Links

African Americans in the Civilian Conservation Corps

Start with this site for information about African Americans in the CCC

There are a few videos available on the Internet. Search for those.

