Camp Glady Fork during its period of occupation was
involved with a variety of recreation, construction, fire
protection, and conservation projects including forestry work, planting trees,
building roads and trails, and keeping the roads open in spite of harsh
mountain conditions and the tough terrain of Randolph County. Glady is
located eleven miles SE of Elkins. Glady Fork, is a tributary of the
Fork and Black Fork which forms the headwaters of the Cheat River.
Located between Middle Mountain and Shaver's Mountain, winter would
bring unbearable cold, with high winds with heavy snow. Camp Glady Fork
was home to CCC Company 524 and CCC Company 566 from 1933 to 1937.
After 1937, the campsite, with its numerous wooden barracks and
administrative support buildings, was occasionally used as an auxiliary
camp by other CCC camps. After the CCC program ended the US
Forest Service sold or demolished the remaining buildings. Glady
Fork was active from May 20, 1933 to July 10, 1937. These very
rare CCC photos were donated to the WVCCC Museum courtesy of the Wilbur
Edgell family of Maple Lake, Bridgeport, West Virginia.
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Camp Glady Fork
The snow piles up quickly at Glady Fork. It was all the CCC could do
to keep the roads open at times.

The Alpena CCC 524
baseball team, 1934. Baseball was a big part of camp life high in the
Work crew battling the
elements near Glady Fork Camp, near Dry Fork 1934.

wonderland within sight of camp.
The barracks at Glady Fork.

Young Wilbur Edgell, like most CCC "Boys" loved his time on
the diamond.
At CCC he had a keen ability to operate heavy equipment and learned how
to maintain it.
After World War II, he worked in the Bridgeport area as a heavy
machinery operator, and later, as a highly skilled mechanic.

Picking up supplies for camp in Elkins, 1934. |

Road Crew
