Camp White was occupied by CCC
Company 2595 on July 1, 1935 and located about 2 miles from Onego in
Pendleton County. The camp closed in late October of 1937.
Located near what is now the Seneca Rocks-Spruce Knob recreation Area
in a mountainous, highly forested area, the main mission of Co 2595 was
forest management support. As such, it was designated as F-20 and
projects included fire tower construction, road-building and
development of trails in this recreational area.
The camp site was located near Route 28 about one-half mile from Seneca
Creek in the foreground of the Allegheny Front. Men of this CCC company
also were attached to Camp Thornewood from time o time for mission
support work.
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A front entrance view of Camp White. Note the flag
pole, middle left of main road and the field stone rocks serving as
foundation support of some of the clapboard-sided barracks buildings.

Retreat formation showing a closer look at the field stone
barracks foundations. In the left foreground is a row of rocks
along the main road that appear at a distance along the same road in
the previous figure.
The fire warning iron ring frames the images of
enrollees Altman and Boone. Many CCC camps, e.g. Camp Copperhead, had
such warning devices.
A sector tournament of various CCC companies.
These were two-man teams from various CCC camps in the area. Note the
simultaneous log-sawing with judges in the foreground. In the
background appears a large parks facility building, maybe a state park
lodge the CCC helped to build some time before.

Champion Softball team of Co 2595 in 1936...Reference Charleston
District CCC newspaper, date unknown. |