Camp White Sulfur Springs, Company 1537, S-67

The camp was  occupied  in June of 1938  by CCC Company 1537, whose primary mission was to  continue the development of the Greenbrier State Forest. The company moved to already-establised barracks located on Harts Run, Greenbrier County near the Forest headquarters building and swimming pool area.

Originally, Company 3512 had been on site from July, 1935  to the  Fall of 1937.  It was very effective and had the same ongoing recreational developmment mission.  The second, Camp White  Sulfur, sometimes referred to as Camp White Sulfur Springs, was  Company 1537.

Company 1537 was  deactivated in 1941 and the site became a staging area to store surplus CCC equipment, materials and supplies. These were being  rounded up as the CCC program across the state was  coming to a close. The CCC program ended in June, 1942 .

Whatever next happened to these old CCC camps? One of them in far-off Hales Corners, Wisconsin became a POW camp for Germans during WW ll.

This is a copy of a Christmas Day 1939 Menu and Camp roster.